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International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevSys) Internship Program.

IMPRS-CellDevoSys, Pfotenhauerstraße, Dresden, Germany

Job Type


9 February 2024 at 6:30:00 am


About the Role

Are you a passionate student eager to dive into the world of research in cell, developmental, or systems biology? If so, the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevSys) might just be the perfect opportunity for you. In this article, we will explore the details of this prestigious student research internship program, shedding light on its objectives, eligibility criteria, and the unique features that set it apart




What is this post about?

This is about a student research internship

What is the name of this internship program?

International Max Plank Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology (IMPRS -CellDevSys)

Who can apply for this internship program?

Bachelor or Master students who are enthusiastic about getting research experience in the filed of cell, developmental or system Biology, during their university studies.

What are the peculiarities of this internship program?

  1. This is a purely research-based internship program.

  2. IMPRS interns can work in a highly co-operative and international work environment.

  3. The internship period will be spent working on a specific research question, with support from the experienced research group. .


  1. Internship is open for University students, studying towards a Bachelor or Master degree.

  2. In addition to the field of Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Engineering.

  3. Students should have an excellent academic performance.

  4. High proficiency in English language.

Eligibility for Bachelor's students

Must have completed at least four semesters of their studies.

Duration of the Internship

The internship lasts 2 - 3 months

Financial Assistance

  1. A monthy stipend of 934 euros

  2. Also, additional supports for travel, Housing, VISA approval.

Admission Process

  1. The formal offer to participate in the IMPRS students research internship program are made by IMPRS program co-ordinator.

  2. An online interview will be conducted and referees will be contacted before making a final decision.




Internship Project

Research Area


Student Background

  • Liver organoids and their biomedical applications

Image Analysis, Stem Cells, Organoids

12 weeks

Life science, Computer Science, Physics

  • Generation of mutant organoids to study human placenta development

Developmental Biology, CRISPR-Cas9, Stem Cells

8-12 Weeks

Life science

  • Spatiotemporal dynamics of phenotypic switching in microbial communities

  • Continuum mechanics of thick epithelial tissues

Theoretical Ecology, Applied mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Mechanics, Theoretical Biophysics

12 weeks




  •  Microswimmers in porous media

Soft matter, active matter, statistical physics, fluid mechanics

8-12 weeks

Physics, mathematics, engineering

  • Decoding electrical signalling during zebrafish fin regeneration

Ion transport, Microscopy, Image Analysis

12 weeks

Life sciences; potentially chemistry, physics or computer science

  • Machine Learning and Data-driven Modeling in Biology

Computer Science, Applied Mathematics

12 weeks

Computer science, physics, engineering

  • Using pancreas organoids to study development

Mechanics, Stem Cells, Organoids, Image Analysis

12 weeks

Life Science, Computer Science, Physics

  • Absolute quantification of proteins for personalzied molecular diagnostics

Proteomics, Mass Spec, Cardiovascular Pathology

12 weeks

Analytical Chemistry

  • Stochastic processes in cells and tissue

Applied Probability & Statistics, Dynamical systems, Computational biology

12 weeks

Maths, Physics, Computer Science

  • How to shape an egg? Or: Protein-DNA Co-Condensation

Physics, Experimental Biophysics

12 Weeks

Life Science, Physics, Biophysics

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